Golf Cart Battery Maintenance

How to choose a golf cart battery maintenance free

Golf cart batteries are generally powered by deep cycle batteries. They are designed and manufactured to sustain a significant life period and attract extended working periods.
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Sometimes we need to do golf cart battery maintenance to ensure outstanding performance; This article will help you understand how to maintain golf cart batteries and how to choose a maintenance-free golf cart battery.

Why do we need golf cart battery maintenance

Since the temperature, humidity, voltage and current of the golf cart battery are all related to the performance of the battery, if it is in an unfavorable environment for a long time without taking some golf cart battery maintenance measures, so the battery will be greatly damaged.

So we need golf cart battery maintenance to depend on the batteries to enhance the overall performance. Slight care and maintenance with help to enhance the shell life of the battery with little repairs and optimizations of the battery.

How do you keep golf cart batteries healthy

If you have any other sort or brand of golf cart, you need some maintenance for your cart battery. Here are some of the golf cart battery maintenance listed below:

How do you keep golf cart batteries healthy

Ensure cleaning of cart battery
The surface of the battery can be wiped regularly with a dry cloth. However, this can be done by removing the dust as batteries attract much dust.

When you see some dust spot, clean or wipe it out; similarly, keep the top of the battery dry, tight, and clean. If it is a lead-acid battery, you need to pay attention to whether there is leakage and clean it regularly.

●Refrain from overcharge and overdischarge
No matter what type of battery, it is recommended to use an automatic battery to avoid overcharging the battery, and the battery should be charged up to a max level beyond its capacity.

If you keep on charging, it’s not a good idea. It can damage and reduce the capacity of the battery. Excessive discharge can also damage the battery and affect performance.

keep a certain amount of electricity
Make sure that the battery is charged during use and during storage, because the battery will self-discharge even when it is not in use. It is better to choose a lithium-ion battery with a very low self-discharge rate, which is 3.5% per month.

Storage environment of the battery
Whether it is in the process of using the battery or when storing the battery, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the environment around the battery is suitable. Each battery manufacturer will provide an instruction manual to tell users the precautions for battery use or storage.

Like general lithium-ion batteries, the working environment is -20°C~60°C, and the storage environment is best at 0-45°C. This allows users to know how to provide a suitable environment for the battery to maintain the health of the battery.

Water the batteries daily
For liquid lead-acid golf cart battery maintenance, topping up with distilled water is necessary to improve overall battery efficiency. Water can only be added after the battery is fully charged, and the water is required to cover the plates before charging and discharging.

It is necessary to check the battery once a month after installation and maintain the watering schedule. Make sure to use distilled water after the battery is charged. The right time and proper way of weathering the battery are significant to enhance the running time of the battery.

How can you tell if golf cart batteries are bad

Sometimes the working efficiency of a golf cart depends mostly on the battery. If the battery is broken, the golf cart will have no power to drive even if the car body is intact.

Usually, if it is obvious that the distance that the golf cart can travel is short, or the charging and discharging time is shortened a lot, and the car cannot be started, it is time to check the health status of the battery.

If the lead-acid battery leaks or bulges, or the battery can no longer provide power, the battery must be replaced. One of the reasons may be poor golf cart battery maintenance.

What is the best way to maintain golf cart batteries

There are several ways to sustain a good battery life for the golf cart:

Keep the upper part of the battery dry and clean.
Allow the battery to charge for about 10 hours approximately.
Don’t use the batteries beyond 80% discharge.
Don’t charge frozen batteries. It may be damaging.
Fill the battery cell after they are charged ultimately.

How to choose a golf cart battery maintenance-free

How to maintain a golf cart by properly charging it

It is recommended to charge your batteries upto 8-10 hours after each use is recommended. It is not recommended to charge while sleeping at night, it is easy to overcharge.

Do golf cart battery maintenance from charging side, here are some points you need to follow:

It is best not to charge the battery that has just been discharged. At this time, the temperature of the battery is too hot. Should wait for the battery to cool down before charging.

To charge the battery, use a matching charger to ensure that the voltage and current are in the appropriate range, and the charging method of batteries with different chemical substances may be different.

According to the instruction manual of the odm lithium ion battery pack manufacturer, the charging ambient temperature is best at room temperature.

The charging time should not be too long, the general charging time is 5-8 hours

Is there a golf cart battery maintenance free

Yes, lithium batteries are maintenance-free batteries. All you require is a little inspection to ensure proper connections, internal components are working fine, and some cleaning, like removal of dust and corrosion issues.

First of all, the electrolyte of lithium-ion batteries is not as corrosive as lead-acid batteries, and it is not easy to leak, so there is no need for regular cleaning or regular water addition.

Secondly, the lithium-ion battery has a high number of charge and discharge cycles, up to 4000 times, so it does not need to be replaced as frequently as other batteries, and it is more durable.

There is no memory effect, and it can be charged and discharged at any time, so now golf cart batteries are using lithium battery replacement lead acid. Lithium-ion batteries only need to be used correctly, and they can last for a long time without causing physical damage to the battery.

lithium ion golf cart batteries 48v

Click the image to learn more about 48v 100ah lithium-ion golf cart battery

How to choose a golf cart battery maintenance-free

Among the maintenance-free batteries on the market today, lithium batteries are the most popular.

When you choose to buy batteries, you need to measure whether it is a trustworthy supplier from the lithium ion battery manufacturer’s experience and battery manufacturing technology. You can also compare batteries from the following six aspects:

Memory effect: If the battery has a memory effect, it cannot be charged and discharged at any time, otherwise the capacity of the battery will be affected.

Battery life: Among lithium batteries, especially lithium iron phosphate batteries are the highest, and can have 4000 cycles.

Depth of discharge: Good quality batteries have 80% DOD

Battery self-discharge rate: A low self-discharge rate means that the battery loses power slowly. The self-discharge rate of ordinary batteries is 5%-10% per month, while the self-discharge rate of lithium-ion batteries is only 3.5%. Especially for users who do not use frequently, it can effectively reduce the frequency of battery charging.

After-sales: If the battery supplier’s warranty period is longer, it means that the quality of the battery is guaranteed.

The production process of the battery: If the supplier can provide a production video like the following, you can see whether the battery is professional or not.

Whether the combination in the battery pack is neat, whether the cables are placed in an orderly manner, whether the insulating board is in place, whether it is stable, etc., are all related to the safety of the battery.

What is the best way to store golf cart batteries

If you choose a liquid electrolyte, a battery that is prone to leakage, avoid inversion when storing it. Pay attention to whether the battery power is sufficient and avoid over-discharging. It is best to maintain the battery power to 35-50%.


If you want to improve the working efficiency of the golf cart, reduce the frequency of battery replacement, and save the operation of golf cart battery maintenance, it is best to choose a lithium battery with good performance, durability, good quality, and high cycle times.


When you are using the golf cart during the summer month more as compared to winter but prefer to store it during the winter, it is recommended to go for a trickle to enhance the battery life, which will help to provide enough energy to the battery without destroying or damaging the internal components of the battery.

An electric golf cart can last without charging for months. Suppose the cart is electric and has a battery life of 30% months. It depends on how much power the battery has. If the self-discharge rate is 3.5%, the lithium-ion battery has 50% power at the beginning. It can be stored for at least 3-5 months before recharging, because it is best to keep the battery at 35-50%.

Actually, it is not recommended to store the golf cart in extremely snowy and chilly weather. It is not recommended. The battery cell might freeze, which can be damaging. Store it where the temperature is not too cold, somewhere warmer to protect internal components and battery.

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