Your Definitive Buying Guide: Lithium ion Solar Battery

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lithium ion solar battery

Your Definitive Buying Guide: Lithium ion Solar Battery in 2022

Day by day the technology is growing just like the other things and use of batteries in solar power system became more demanding. Now in these days, people demand efficient and durable battery types which can help them to overcome different storage problems they were facing and for this purpose lithium-ion battery came into existence.

By using this lithium ion solar battery you can easily cope with drain problems and other unusual errors that demand regular fixation, as lithium-ion batteries become one of the handy storage units in the solar power system.

Let me explain to you each and every important aspect about lithium ion solar battery for your better understanding and knowledge.

  1. What is Lithium ion Solar Battery?
  2. What types of lithium-ion batteries can be used in Solar Power System?
    1. Voltage Differences
    2. LifePo4 Lithium-ion Battery
  3. What are the advantages of Lithium ion Solar Battery?
    1. More Depth during Discharging
    2. Deep Cycle
    3. Lifespan of Lithium ion Solar Battery
    4. Greater Energy Density
    5. Greater Efficiency Rate
    6. Less & Low Maintenance
    7. Less Installation Area
  4. What are thedisadvantages of Lithium ion Solar Battery?
    1. Greater Cost
    2. Fire Explosion
  5. What is the Average Lifespan of a Lithium ion Solar Battery with On-grid & Off-grid system?
    1. Hybrid Lithium ion Solar Battery Lifespan
    2. Off-Grid Lithium ion Solar Battery
  6. How much it will cost to install Lithium-ion battery with solar power system?
    1. lithium ion solar battery manufacturers
    2. Battery Type & Features
    3. Amount of Batteries
    4. Actual Cost & Guess
  7. Why you should invest on Lithium-ion battery for solar power system?
    1. Greater in Use
    2. Less Power Consumption
    3. Time Saving in Charging Cycle
  8. How many Lithium-ion batteries will be required to power a House?
    1. 400Ah Lithium-ion Battery
    2. Battery Banks
    3. Deep Cycle LifePo4 Lithium ion Solar Battery
  9. What are the safety requirements to use Lithium-ion battery with Solar Power System?
    1. Safe Installation
    2. Weather Protection
    3. Fire Protection
  10. How installing lithium-ion battery for Solar System is going to help you in different businesses?
    1. More Demand
    2. Self-Generating Resources
    3. Uses in EV Charging Stations
  11. How long a Lithium-ion battery with Solar Power System can power your home?
    1. Power Consumption in a Single Day
    2. Charging Cycle Per Day
    3. Depth in Charging & Discharging Cycle

1.What is Lithium ion Solar Battery?

Lithium-ion battery is an ultimate storage solution that can be used with the solar system in terms of excessing electricity for the later use. Not only in solar power system there are multiple electronic devices in which lithium-ion battery is used.

What is Lithium ion Solar Battery

Earlier Research on Lithium-Ion Battery :
There was an earlier research taken place in 2013 to set up solar power system with lithium-ion batteries in terms of getting maximum output from a battery system and came up with the solution that this battery is more useful when you compare factors like cost effective, reliability and durability as well.

Back in days, most of the solar power systems having lead-acid batteries or other AGM batteries for storage and reusability purpose but when lithium-ion battery brought into the action it changes the whole phase of solar system.

2.What types of lithium-ion batteries can be used in Solar Power System?

Multiple voltage levels are available in different lithium-ion batteries and you can use any of these batteries depending upon the type of solar power system which supports it. Depending upon the construction as well there are different kinds of lithium-ion batteries that you can use to operate the solar system.

LifePo4 is more durable as compared to other lithium ion batteries the only difference between simple lithium ion battery and LifePo4 lithium battery is that it has greater life cycle and

Voltage Differences

12v & 24v are two of the most vulnerable voltage types that are found in most of the lithium-ion batteries and these lithium batteries are useful in many kinds of electrical applications.

24V Lithium-ion Battery
24v can be used in different AH levels that you can install for solar power system such as 24v 100Ah lithium-ion battery is widely used in small size solar systems where you require less storage capacity.

24V 200ah & 400ah are also one of the power solutions that you can use with solar system. If you want to store large amount of electricity with higher voltage rate then these two types are the most beneficial for you.

◆ 48V Lithium-ion Battery
48v lithium-ion battery is also a available lithium ion solar battery if you want to work with higher voltage level devices and most of these lithium batteries with higher voltage level and density are used in different warehouses and machine industries when combined to make battery bank.

LifePo4 Lithium-ion Battery

As most of the lead acid batteries in the early days were not that good in terms of durability and life cycle so, a research was made to develop a better battery type which can easily be installed with the solar system for greater lifecycle and durability.

◆ Why LifePo4 ?
LifePo4 is more durable as compared to other lithium-ion batteries the only difference between simple lithium-ion battery and LifePo4 lithium battery is that it has greater life cycle and lower nominal voltage which means it can operate at 3.2V of nominal current.
If you want to use a battery with less risk in discharging and requires less charging time as compared to other lead-acid batteries then LifePo4 is an ultimate solution for your solar system with maximum charging capacity.

◆ Safety
It is safe to use this battery in extreme weather conditions because most of the batteries can not cope with the high temperature shift and drains in the summer but this battery is fully comfortable with solar system.

3.What are the advantages of Lithium ion Solar Battery?

There are many solid reasons behind using a Lithium ion Solar Battery rather than using a lead-acid battery because there are numerous benefits of this battery.

There are many solid reasons behind using a lithium ion solar battery rather than using a lead acid battery because there are numerous benefits of this battery

More Depth during Discharging

Depth of discharging rate of a battery defines that how much capacity of charges a battery can store and after storing how much time it will take to fully discharge the battery. The discharging depth of lithium ion battery is 95%, it means that lithium ion solar battery can release 95% of its stored power which is the highest of any battery that can provide.

Deep Cycle

Lithium-ion batteries are designed in such a way that the life span of these batteries is greater than lead-acid batteries used in solar power system, lithium sulphate used in these batteries provide greater lifecycle.

Lifespan of Lithium ion Solar Battery

If you use lead-acid battery because of its lower discharging depth rate it will last for almost 4 to 5 years because ions in the form of liquid are used to store the charges on positive and negative electrode.

On the other hand, Lithium ion Solar Battery will provide you the lifespan which is twice greater than the lead-acid battery with more charging and discharging lifecycle. There will be 5,000 lifecycles that you will get while using lithium-ion deep cycle battery specially designed for solar power system.

Greater Energy Density

As compared to lead acid batteries, lithium ion solar battery will increase the energy delivering ratio for multiple electrical appliances

The energy density of a battery depends upon the size and dimensions of the battery which defines that how much power your battery can hold coming from the solar system generated by sunrays. As compared to lead-acid batteries, lithium ion solar battery will increase the energy delivering ratio for multiple electrical appliances.

Greater Efficiency Rate

There are many batteries available for solar power system but these batteries have less one charge round trip as lithium-ion battery is a unique variant with greater efficiency rate.

Efficiency rate defines as how much power will came out to support your electrical resources and how much power your solar power system is going to take in terms of storing the electric charges coming from solar panel. The energy efficiency rate in lithium-ion batteries is about 90% to 95% which is a maximum that a battery can provide, and this rate is also greater than lead-acid batteries.

Less & Low Maintenance

In terms of maintenance lithium-ion batteries do not require any weekly or monthly maintenance for proper working ability, as most of the lead acid batteries start troubling when they reach half of their lifespan and they require maintenance which will cost you very much and will affect your services.

Less Installation Area

Lithium ion solar battery does not require much space or area for installation purpose because it is less in weight and dimensions as compared to lead-acid solar battery. It will be an easy process to install the lithium-ion battery with solar power system as it will not require any extra space to settle along.

4.What are the disadvantages of Lithium ion Solar Battery?

There are some few disadvantages that you will get when using a lithium-ion solar power battery.

Greater Cost

You will invest once only on the Lithium ion Solar Battery . Though

lithium ion solar battery price is  most expensive present in the market, as all the other batteries are cheap as compared to lithium ion. Lithium-ion batteries are more affordable because all the electrical departments gave a green light to the lithium-ion battery to be used with solar power system.

No doubt that lead acid battery is cheap to buy to use with solar power system, but it will not last longer than lithium-ion battery. So actually, the lithium ion battery is a cost-effective choice.

Fire Explosion

There are safety precautions that needed to be required to operate the lithium-ion battery with solar power system as it often catches more fire as compared to lead-acid battery.As the lithium-ion battery need some safety requirements, and if you follow the proper guide and manual to use the battery and install it at some safe place then there will be no such kind of problem like fire explosion.
Always go for the professional lithium ion solar battery manufacturers as they provide you proper safety features in the battery that will help you to overcome these problems.

5.What is the Average Lifespan of a Lithium ion Solar Battery with On-grid & Off-grid system?

As I explained earlier lifespan of this battery is far better than the other batteries because of no liquid stored inside it for storing electric charges. The average lifespan of any battery depends upon the type of system you are using in your solar power system.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Lithium ion solar battery with On grid & Off grid system

Hybrid Lithium ion Solar Battery Lifespan

When you are using a hybrid solar power system and installed lithium-ion battery with it then you will get maximum lifespan average from a battery.

This is because you will require regular charging and discharging cycle and for this purpose lithium-ion battery is your best option to handle all the instant electric cycles.The average lifespan of lithium-ion battery will be 8 to 10 years providing you the maximum quality energy ratio.

Off-Grid Lithium ion Solar Battery

As for the past days, most of the off-grid solar systems were using lead acid battery because of their low usage rate on daily bases and less usability in terms of charging and discharging cycle.

Afterwards when lithium-ion battery was introduced in the off-grid system it made such an impact in terms of deep lifecycle and durability of battery along with the solar system. It increases the average lifespan about 90% which was before just 50% when lead acid batteries were in use.

6.How much it will cost to install Lithium-ion battery with solar power system?

As most of the experts predict that the installation and lithium ion solar battery price is not fixed or it can not be used just by guessing the values and rates. You will need to undertake some of the factors and these factors will define the cost and lithium ion solar battery price.

How much it will cost to install Lithium ion battery with solar power system

lithium ion solar battery manufacturers

This factor will allow you to decide which lithium ion solar battery manufacturers or company you are going to visit to select the battery for your solar system.
In this way, you will have better chance to know about the different values of the batteries that may fit according to your demands and requirements.

Battery Type & Features

All of the batteries are not same or deliver same voltage when charged up to maximum instead all of these batteries have some differences depending upon their construction and material which is used in the battery.

When it comes to the features there are different kind of functions that every battery possesses such as some of the lithium-ion soar batteries have the ability to use a quick adapter for quick and fast charging purpose.

Amount of Batteries

During the installation it also needed to be measure that how much amount of current you are going to store inside a battery, in this way, it will help you to understand how many batteries you are going to install for your solar system. Greater the amount of current storage to operate large and heavy electrical appliances then you will require more number of batteries.

Actual Cost & Guess

As I explained all the factors that may increase or lower the cost of your battery then by taking these factors into measurement about $5,000 to $25,000 will be the guess amount that you may require to install the lithium ion solar battery. It can be minimize or maximize depending upon the following factors because it is not fixed for every kind of system.

7.Why you should invest on Lithium-ion battery for solar power system?

Why you should invest on Lithium ion battery for solar power system

Investing on lithium-ion battery will help you to achieve required amount of electrical resources that you will require to operate some of the electrical gadgets.

Why Lithium?
As you know, lithium-ion battery does not contain any liquid it uses combination of different elements along with lithium which is very integral part in the production of these batteries.

Greater in Use

Since the beginning or when the lithium-ion battery was introduced it has become more demanding and people relying more on this battery type because of its greater resilience and durability.

Less Power Consumption

By using lithium-ion battery, your solar power system will require less power rate to charge itself and will also less power during the discharging time to move the electrical charges from one way to the other.

Time Saving in Charging Cycle

While using lithium-ion battery with solar power system will absolutely give you an edge in terms of quick charging because sometimes especially in the winters there will be very less sun rays reaching the ground. So by using lithium ion solar battery you can charge battery quickly with less amount of current coming from solar panel.

8.How many Lithium-ion batteries will be required to power a House?

Well, there are many different sorts of batteries that you can use to operate your household electrical appliances but these batteries with solar power system varies according to your regular appliances.

how many Lithium ion batteries will be required to power a House

400Ah Lithium-ion Battery

This battery can provide you enough power that can operate 2.3KW electrical appliances that you use on regular basis like for home usage like electric fans, lamp lights etc.

However, there are some other households like washing machine, vacuum cleaner and refrigerator you will need higher energy density lithium battery that can store large amount of current and provide you great discharge ratio.

Battery Banks

In America there are battery banks used for the power consumption for household appliances and these Lithium ion Solar Battery banks can provide you 90KW energy for more than 2 days with constant energy production.

Deep Cycle LifePo4 Lithium ion Solar Battery

Most of the lithium batteries that are used in the daily life routines in household appliances they are all LifePo4 batteries and these batteries are battle born to be used in the solar system.

9.What are the safety requirements to use Lithium-ion battery with Solar Power System?

There are some points where you need to be careful while working with lithium ion solar battery.

What are the safety requirements to use Lithium ion battery with Solar Power System

Safe Installation

Try to install the battery in a safe place where it will not get any damage as the damaged battery may reduce the quality of power your battery is delivering and it will also effect the battery cycle of the battery.

Weather Protection

Try to install lithium-ion batteries far from the solar panels because these panels often installed in the open area where sun rays can reach but batteries are sensitive components that needed to be install in a cold place somewhere in a room or elsewhere.

Fire Protection

As lithium-ion batteries catches fire often quickly as compared to other battery types, so you need to protect them from any kind of fire explosion or do not install it somewhere in your kitchen or where is a danger of fire to reach battery.

10.How installing lithium-ion battery for Solar System is going to help you in different businesses?

As most of the firms in the past days were installing generators for backup of electricity but for now the reach of solar power system is very high and demanding.

How installing lithium ion battery for Solar System is going to help you in different businesses

More Demand

As it is one time investment, it can help you for lifetime to fulfill your electricity demands on regular basis. By using a natural phenomenon of sun rays this system is pollution free and can be easily utilized for generating electricity.

Self-Generating Resources

A firm operating its different electrical appliances now these days they prefer to use lithium-ion battery with solar power system instead of generators.

As generators are only sufficient for their own use they can not generate extra electricity, which can be transferred to the grid system.
In lithium-ion solar system you can generate enough power to support your firm and you can also send or sell extra units to the grid system making the firm self-sufficient.

Uses in EV Charging Stations

In the modern world the demand of EV vehicles is also reaching to a new level so in different countries people are building EV stations by using solar-power system powering them with lithium-ion deep cycle batteries to store electrical energy.

The stored electrical energy is later utilized to charge different EV vehicles. Instead you can make your own EV station in your home from solar power system with the use of lithium-ion battery.

11.How long a Lithium-ion battery with Solar Power System can power your home?

The power ability of lithium-ion battery with solar power system depends on numerous factors which may help you to understand how much long it will last.

How long a Lithium ion battery with Solar Power System can power your home

Power Consumption in a Single Day

You need to carry out the calculations of your regular use about electricity and how much units you consume on the daily basis as it will help you to select the demanding solar system with efficient lithium-ion battery.

There was a research taken out in which it was distinguished that about 25 to 30KW of electrical energy is utilized by every house in the modern world to operate their different electrical appliances.

Charging Cycle Per Day

If the use of lithium-ion solar power system is more demanding in your household then it will require more charging cycles a day.
More the usage per more will be the charging cycle, no doubt, it will not lower the lifecycle of your battery but it will change the dynamic of it in terms of charging and discharging cycles.

Depth in Charging & Discharging Cycle

There is another that most of the batteries drain out before reaching their lifecycle because of less depth in charging and discharging cycle, most frequently this happens when we do not charge the battery up to its maximum capacity.

And when the battery is partially charged you start using it and in this way the depth cycle of the Lithium ion Solar Battery got disturbed.

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About lithium ion battery manufacturers

TYCORUN® has more than 14 years of experience in the lithium battery industry and is a Chinese high-tech enterprise that develops, produces and sells various new energy battery products.

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