Knowledge and guidelines for battery maintenance

Battery maintenance is an integral part of battery usage, ensuring that each battery is performing at optimal levels and would do so for the longest time possible.
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The use of batteries in multiple applications has become so common like electric skateboard battery that it is easy to forget that even batteries require some level of maintenance as well. Battery maintenance is an integral part of battery usage, ensuring that each battery is performing at optimal levels and would do so for the longest time possible.
Different batteries will have different maintenance measures,battery maintenance involves several practices carried out by the user which may involve actively replacing certain components or simply applying certain usage policies, and some batteries don’t even need much maintenance and are not affected. In this article, we’ll be looking at the practices involved in battery maintenance, the different types of batteries, and how maintenance practices differ across the different types.

What is the importance of battery maintenance

Batteries are just like any other modern-age device, with active chemical components that act to release energy and power other devices. But most batteries require some level of battery maintenance to ensure that they carry out the function of storing and supplying energy with maximum efficiency.

Although batteries appear to be self-sufficient provided there is a charge or source of energy, battery maintenance is also important to their overall function. Maintenance of batteries ensures the state of health (SOH) of the battery will remain at the best possible level to ensure proper battery functions.

How do you maintain battery acid

Batteries that use acid-based electrolytes such as lead-acid batteries require specific battery maintenance practices for them to function properly as well as being safe to use. Some of these battery maintenance practices for lead-acid includes;

Monitoring the acid levels within the battery as it is being used and may reach a point where it needs to be topped up or replaced.
Top up battery acid and ensure to do this carefully, only after charging and not immediately before.
Allow the battery to cool after each use or charge cycle before attempting to change or check the acid levels.
Always add acid to water and not add water to acid.

Like lithium batteries, including LiFePO4 batteries and ternary lithium battery, there is no lead-acid liquid, and most of them are solidified electrolytes.

How do you maintain battery acid

What’s the difference between a maintenance-free and a conventional battery

Batteries are commonly separated based on type but they can also be differentiated based on maintenance practices as well. These types include but are not limited to;
Maintenance free battery
Conventional battery.

As the name implies, conventional batteries are commonplace batteries found in cars, trucks, and most industrial applications and are usually acid-based like lead-acid batteries. The acid within these batteries needs to be changed and maintained for the battery to perform at optimal levels.

On the other hand, maintenance-free batteries are sealed batteries like lithium batteries that require no battery maintenance of any kind. The only other practice required to be done with maintenance-free batteries is to ensure that the battery is clean, kept at recommended temperatures, and properly charged.

Are maintenance-free batteries good

Maintenance-free batteries are considered the best battery types as they do not require any strenuous battery maintenance practices to enable them to work properly. Batteries such as lithium-ion are maintenance-free batteries and in addition to requiring zero maintenance, they also have a high energy density, lower rate of self-discharge, larger capacity, longer cycle life, and a wider application range than other battery types.

These maintenance-free batteries also have a lower risk of acid spillage, fire hazards, or toxic gas emissions as opposed to conventional batteries. For those who use the device for a long time, a maintenance-free and long-lasting battery can reduce maintenance effort and improve work efficiency.

What is a low-maintenance battery

Low maintenance batteries are different from maintenance-free batteries and conventional batteries in that they require some form of battery maintenance but to a much lower extent than conventional batteries. Alternatively, it can be used in place of most conventional batteries provided the battery matches the device or machine in question.

There are 2 major types of low-maintenance batteries and they are Gel and AGM batteries.Gel batteries are commonly lead-acid batteries that contain a Gel-like substance used as its electrolyte. Unlike other lead-acid batteries, Gel batteries do not require regular maintenance or water level checkups.

AGM or Absorbent Glass Mat batteries are similar to wet-cell batteries only; they are sealed batteries with a glass fiber separator holding the electrolytes. They are completely sealed and do not require much battery maintenance as opposed to conventional batteries.

Which is better - low maintenance or maintenance-free battery

Which is better – low maintenance or maintenance-free battery

As stated earlier, low-maintenance batteries do require some level of battery maintenance which is considered somewhat of a disadvantage when compared to maintenance-free batteries. In addition to not needing any battery maintenance practices, maintenance-free batteries have a considerably longer cycle life and overall battery performance compared to low-maintenance batteries.

This makes maintenance-free batteries the better option when comparing both battery types. But no battery is perfect. Generally, maintenance-free batteries are more expensive than low-maintenance batteries. If you have a limited budget and have time to maintain, low-maintenance batteries are also a good choice.

How do you maintain a low-maintenance battery

There are a few battery maintenance practices to consider when using a low-maintenance battery some of which includes;
When using and storing, it needs to be placed upright to avoid inversion
Conducting regular load tests to monitor voltage levels.
Keeping the battery temperature at recommended levels.
Avoid overcharging or discharging the battery.

Misunderstanding of battery maintenance

There are a few misconceptions and misunderstandings where battery maintenance is involved, some of which will be clarified below.

Misunderstanding of battery maintenance.

The misconception that maintenance-free batteries do not require any battery maintenance practice whatsoever isn’t accurate. Maintenance-free batteries still need to be properly charged, kept out of direct sunlight, avoid overcharging, and mustn’t exceed the recommended discharge levels.

The misconception that checking the voltage of the battery is enough to fully maintain the battery’s health also isn’t accurate. While monitoring the battery’s voltage levels is a good battery maintenance practice, it only indicates the float voltage which doesn’t fully cover the battery’s health. In essence, other battery maintenance practices should be applied as well.

The misconception that a low-voltage battery is completely safe to handle without the proper test equipment isn’t accurate as well. While a low voltage may not be harmful, there are instances of unpredictable high-voltage shock when the proper test equipment or gear isn’t used. So ensure to use the proper battery internal resistance tester to avoid being shocked by unpredictable voltage releases.

How do you maintain a maintenance-free battery

The battery maintenance practices needed for a maintenance-free battery are pretty straightforward. Simply use the battery under normal usage conditions, charge and properly discharge the battery using the proper charger and store the battery in the recommended temperature range and conditions.

This should ensure the maintenance-free battery would last for as long as possible. The battery process of each lithium ion battery manufacturer is different, and it is necessary to refer to the guide given by the manufacturer for correct use.

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