Battery swapping station business model- a new lithium battery market segment

Battery swapping station factory

16-year professional lithium ion battery manufacturers, have rich experience in battery swapping station, can provide mature battery swapping station business model plan. 1-year warranty on battery packs, using the best BMS protection board, protecting the battery from overcharge, overdischarge, overcurrent, short circuit, etc. Making the  safety advantage of battery swapping service more prominent. Configurable Bluetooth, GPS, IC card and other special functions can also be customized for battery swapping cabinet. Enough stock for the series of 48v, 60v, 72v lithium ion motorcycle battery for battery swapping station. Can be shipped within 3 days.

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Battery swapping station business model- a new lithium battery market segment

  1. The background of battery swapping station business model
    1. Environmental protection
    2. Safety
    3. Range anxiety
  2. What is battery swapping station
  3. The market analysis of battery swapping station business model
    1. Target user
    2. Market conditions
  4. Advantages of battery swapping station business model
    1. Advantages for users
    2. Advantages for direct agent
  5. Functions of the battery swapping station
    1. Power supply system
    2. Charging system
    3. Battery replacement system
    4. Monitoring system
    5. Battery detection
    6. Maintenance management
  6. Introduction to the components of the battery swapping station
    1. Hardware
    2. Software
    3. The information system
  7. Battery swapping station system specifications
    1. Battery parameters
    2. Battery swapping cabinet parameters
  8. Introducing a battery swapping station business model case
  9. How many batteries do you need for a battery swapping station?
  10. How to distribute the battery swapping station outlets?
  11. How to assign after-sales and maintenance personnel ?
  12. Estimated business model cost of battery swapping station
  13. Capital recovery cycle of the business model of battery swapping station
  14. How users use the battery swapping station
  15. FAQ about battery swapping station
    1. What are the requirements for electricity and site for the swapping cabinet?
    2. How to deal with the battery or cabinet problem? Who will handle it?
    3. Which brand of motorcycle does the battery in the swapping cabinet match?

What is battery swapping station

This article will talk about the most promising lithium battery market segment these days:battery swapping station. The battery swapping station can solve many problems faced by the motorcycle power market at present, and this subdivision of lithium battery field is still to be developed in many places, so how to develop a profitable battery swapping station business model? What to consider and what to lay out? From what is battery swapping, the components of swapping cabinet to how to build a battery swapping station business model, what are the investment and return on this business model, we will introduce you in detail.

1.The background of battery swapping station business model

Environmental protection

In the development process of the whole human society, energy progress is social progress. Human society has experienced three energy transitions from the initial discovery of natural power such as fire animal power, wind power and water power, to the utilization of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and the discovery and application of electricity and nuclear energy in modern society. Only energy reform can have a future and sustainable development. This is the truth summed up by human practice.

Therefore today, when fossil fuels such as coal and oil are widely used, people put forward the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, advocating the use of new energy equipment and renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions caused by the use of fossil energy. More and more countries and enterprises have begun to implement the new energy model. Under such advocacy and market trend, electric vehicles, electric motorcycles and electric bicycles have gradually become common choices. Compared to the conventional use of gasoline to start the motor, the use of batteries as a power source is clearly greener and environmentally friendly.


As an economical and convenient tools of transportation, electric motorcycles and electric bicycles are the choice for many people to travel in close distance in many developing countries, and the number of electric motorcycle with lithium ion motorcycle battery is increasing. For example, according to data, in 2021, the annual sales of electric motorcycles in China will exceed 30 million, and the number of electric two-wheel and three-wheel bicycles has exceeded 300 million. The sales volume of the global motorcycle market in 2021 has reached 100.987 billion US dollars. But apart from convenience, fire accidents caused by illegal charging of electric motorcycles occur from time to time, causing social concern. According to statistics, by July 2021, 6,462 electric motorcycles fire accidents had occurred in China. In recent years, electric motorcycles have accounted for 10 percent of all fires. In other words, one in 10 fires are caused by electric motorcycles. Among them, 75% of electric motorcycles fires are in the charging process.

electric motorcycles and electric bicycles are the choice for many people to travel in close distance

Range anxiety

For electric motorcycle, electric bicycle, the current mature energy replenishment mode is the centralized charging pile mode, However for users, this mode often encounters the situation of serious shortage of charging slots and over-long charging time, which is difficult to alleviate the huge contradiction between demand and supply. It’s hard and slow to charge, so it’s easy to have range anxiety. In addition, this kind of centralized charging pile is mostly located in residential areas for convenience, which has great security risks. Users also hope to avoid risks while providing convenience.

2. What is battery swapping station

To dealing with above problem, it gave rise to the motorcycle battery swapping station. Battery swapping station, also known as battery swapping cabinet, refers to the storage, charging and replacement of the battery with the battery swapping station as the carrier. Users can replace the battery in the cabinet, that is, put the dead battery into the cabinet and get a fully charged battery at the same time. The cabinet includes power supply system, charging system, battery replacement system, monitoring system, battery detection and maintenance management, etc. The battery swapping cabinet can completely realize the new green travel mode of vehicle electric separation and unlimited endurance.

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3. The market analysis of battery swapping station business model

Target user

As mentioned above, the sales volume of the global motorcycle market in 2021 has reached USD 100.987 billion. The target users of battery swapping station business model are C-end users in the just-in-time delivery industry: takeout delivery staff and couriers (mainly for delivery staff). For this type of user, they use the motorcycle as a productivity tool with high frequency in their work process. In addition, due to the long working hours, large radiation range in the working area, poor living environment and inconvenient charging, delivery staff have high requirements on battery endurance, stability and convenience of charging, and are less price-sensitive. So the battery swapping station business model is the best model for powering the delivery car has been the market consensus.

The target users of battery swapping station business model are takeout delivery staff

Market conditions

① Oil is more expensive than electricity
Traditional motorcycles are powered by gasoline to start the motor, and delivery workers need to spend a certain amount of fuel costs every month. Electric motorcycles need batteries to power them, and they need to pay electricity to charge the batteries. So one of the important conditions for battery swapping station business model is that the oil price is more expensive than the electricity price. With the change of supply and demand situation in the international crude oil market and the outbreak of the russia-Ukraine dispute, the global oil price has been rising all the way. At the beginning of 2022, it was only 75 dollars per barrel of American WTI crude oil, but now it has soared to more than 115 dollars. The global oil inventory has also decreased for 14 consecutive months, and the global oil price has been more expensive than the electricity price. As for different circumstances in different places, the higher the fuel to power ratio (i.e. the oil price is about more expensive than the electricity price), the larger the market for battery swapping station business model for these places.

② The local population
Battery swapping station business model also depends on local population density. The greater the local population density, the greater the demand for delivery business, and correspondingly the demand for battery swapping station business model as well. In addition, the large population density also has advantages for the setting of battery swapping cabinet outlets, and can reduce the cost of maintenance staff to a certain extent.

③ The takeout market and the motorcycle population
Battery swapping station business model is mainly for takeout users, so there needs to be a large local takeout market. As the takeout market is larger, the radiation scope is broader, and the longer the working time of the takeout delivery staff, the greater the need for battery replacement. It also has something to do with the local economy and motorcycle population. The more people use motorcycles as tools of life and productivity, the greater the demand for motorcycle battery swapping systems.

The takeout market and the motorcycle population

④ The pricing of the month rental
In order to drive users to choose the battery swapping service, the month rental price and the deposit should be controlled within a certain range according to the local average monthly salary level and lower than the monthly fuel cost for using the traditional motorcycle.

⑤ Electric motorcycle price
The price of an electric motorcycle also needs to be taken into account to see if it is a good deal for the monthly fuel cost of a traditional motorcycle. Moreover, if the users choose the battery swapping service, they can only buy the motorcycle body instead of the motorcycle battery, which can greatly reduce the purchase price of the car.

⑥ Competitors
Whether other battery swapping brands have entered the local market, whether their battery swapping station business model has been formed, whether the layout is perfect.

4. Advantages of battery swapping station business model

Advantages of battery swapping station business model

Advantages for users

① More environmentally friendly
Traditional motorcycles use gasoline to run their motors, which pollute the environment. As a new energy vehicle, electric motorcycle can solve the problem of environmental protection.

② Solving safety, charging problems and range anxiety
At present, the main concerns of takeout delivery staff when using electric motorcycles are as follows: First, the motorcycle charging pile is often in an insufficient state, and the charging time is too long, which is difficult to alleviate the huge contradiction between demand and supply, resulting in range anxiety; Secondly, the vehicle type and battery capacity of the motorcycle may be different from that of the charging pile, leading to charging efficiency and safety is difficult to guarantee; And due to the lack of professional knowledge, it is easy to cause safety accidents to charge and maintain motorcycle batteries by themselves; Charging pile charging efficiency is low and not convenient.

Compared with the current mainstream charging model in the market, the advantages of battery swapping station are obvious: fast. The battery swapping time is equivalent to or even less shorter than the refueling time of fuel vehicles, and the time for supplement of electric power is greatly shortened. With the existence of the battery swapping station, it is completely possible to achieve the separation of car and electricity, unlimited endurance, and users’ mileage anxiety is greatly relieved.

battery charge station can solve safety, charging problems and range anxiety

③ Reduce transportation costs

Currently, the global gasoline price has been much higher than the electricity price. Generally speaking, depending on the oil price in the area of the target user of battery swapping station business model, the monthly oil cost of using traditional motorcycle is 5-10 times that of electric motorcycle. So motorcycle battery swapping stations are becoming more and more popular around the world.

④ Reduce the cost of buying an electric motorcycle

The emergence of the battery swapping station business model can become a new driver for users to choose to replace the traditional gas motorcycle with an electric motorcycle. The battery price of electric motorcycle is usually high. Due to the existence of battery swapping station, users can only buy the body of electric motorcycle without buying the battery, which greatly reduces their cost of buying electric motorcycle. They only need to buy a new electric motorcycle at half the original price.

⑤ Reduce the cost of battery replacement and maintenance
For those who use electric motorcycles frequently for a long time, such as takeout delivery staffs, they need to use the battery more than 10 hours a day, and the batteries need to be recharged three or four times a day. So for delivery staffs, their battery decay faster, the frequency of replacement will be more frequent than ordinary people. Due to the high unit price of the battery, replacing the battery will be a large cost, and when the battery has a problem, they also need to spend time and money to solve the problem. So battery swapping station can save them maintenance and battery replacement costs, very cost-effective.

Reduce the cost of battery replacement and maintenance

At the same time, the battery swapping station charges the battery uniformly, and is equipped with professional personnel to maintain and check, which can also avoid the damage to the battery caused by the incorrect charging method when the delivery staffs charge the battery alone because they does not understand the battery knowledge, and can also extend the battery life to a certain extent.

Advantages for direct agent

Existing problems in common battery swapping companies model:
At present, there are some problems in the battery swapping station business model of many battery companies, such as big asset investment, low profits, immature unsustainable patterns. At the same time,the team with Internet operation as the core has insufficient in-depth understanding and integration ability of battery technology and charging technology, resulting in high maintenance pressure and poor user viscosity.

Battery swapping station business model provided by TYCORUN ENERGY:

TYCORUN ENERGY is a high-tech lithium-ion battery manufacturer with 14 years professional experience. Relying on the two manufacturing plants covering an area of 30,000 square meters and an expert group with rich experience in lithium battery design as well as R&D, TYCORUN ENERGY provides reliable and safe customized solutions for special lithium battery systems, lithium battery pack products and battery swapping station business model for global clients.

The battery swapping station business model we provide can be used for asset-light operation, and the asset investment is relatively small. In addition, TYCORUN ENERGY has its own battery factory and technical team, and has unique advantages in battery products and technologies. We have professional charging, battery, electric control technology, as well as the independent integration ability of software platform , extremely concerned about product function realization, customer satisfaction operation of after-sales service.

TYCORUN ENERGY has so far successfully promoted a total of 1600 groups of battery swapping modules

TYCORUN ENERGY has so far successfully promoted a total of 3000 pcs of battery swapping modules, and our battery swapping station business model scheme has been preliminarily verified as the only battery swapping station business model with continuous profits in the battery swapping market. Most importantly, we simply provide a mature business model framework that we can disassemble, plan and build for agents according to local conditions and the needs of the company. Therefore, agents can purchase the hardware, software and services of the battery swapping station business model separately according to their needs. For example, they can only purchase the swapping cabinet without buying batteries or only buy batteries from us.

We always adhere to the whole cooperation chain benefit distribution system with agents as the core, first to maximize agent profits, in order to grow together and cooperate for a long time.

5.Functions of the battery swapping station

Motorcycle battery swapping stations are areas that contain charged motorcycle batteries where riders/users can replace their discharged batteries with fully- charged ones. They were developed to curb disadvantages such as long charging times and range anxiety that were slowing down the popularity of electric motorcycles. They make the recharging experience take the same amount of time that refilling gas would, therefore making electric motorcycles more attractive to customers.

Power supply system

The power supply system provides power for the batteries in the swapping cabinets. For electric motorcycles charging, the battery swapping station cabinet is connected to a three-phase power supply system to cater for its high demand of power. It is simply plugged into an electric port that is supplied by the grid.

The AC power used to charge in the more robust swapping stations comes from the distribution grid and is usually between 11kV and 33kV due to the high-power demand that arises from charging the batteries. The power from the grid passes through an AC transformer before reaching the bidirectional AC/DC charger.

Charging system

The charging system consists of the AC/DC charger. AC/DC chargers used in different battery swapping stations have different ratings depending on their charging profiles. The most used charger, which will be described in this text, is the unidirectional AC/DC charger. The charger receives AC power from the AC transformer and converts it to DC power which it uses to charge the batteries.

One of the most significant advantages of the battery swapping station business model is that the charging system can be used flexibly with the grid where the batteries can be charged during off-peak hours. However, the function of in-time charging is flexible. The agent can select and set the this function according to the actual situation of the battery swapping station business model without affecting the battery supply to the users.

Battery replacement system

The battery replacement system makes up the mechanical system of the battery swapping station. Battery replacement system is very simple in a motorcycle battery swapping system, unlike ev battery swapping, which consists of robotic machinery that move the batteries from one location to the other. Each cabinet monitors the state of charge of the battery and contains about ten charging ports, each of which is like a small cabinet with a door that can hold one battery of its size. To replace a battery, a dead battery is placed in an empty charging port. And after close the door, a charging port with a fully charged battery automatically opens the door for the users to take out the battery. The dead batteries would be charged directly in the charging ports where they are until they were fully charged and ready to be picked out by users next time.

In practice, unless it is the process of sign up for the first time, the users will get a fully charged battery. Each time the swapping cabinet is used, the ports of the swapping system will eject a fully charged battery only when the user first puts in a dead battery and the battery can be identified.

The battery replacement system makes up the mechanical system of the battery swapping station

Monitoring system

The monitoring system of battery swapping station business model monitors the motorcycle battery after swapping. It keeps track of its state of health (SOH), charging cycles, battery life, battery age, remaining charge, and state of charge (SOC). The system monitors the status of all charging ports, how many batteries in them and how many are empty. And how many fully charged and charging batteries are there.
It also approximates and gives an estimation of the amount of time that the customer will have to wait to receive the charged battery if the battery supply is very tight, and it also check whether the user’s month lease expires.

Battery detection

The process of detecting the battery is called battery recognition. When user insert a battery into the charging port in the cabinet, the insertion process will first be detected in a few seconds before the recognition process is started. If the inserted battery is successfully identified through IC card, the system will read the user information and input it into the battery that will pop up, a similar charged battery will emerge from the cabinet for the user to use. However,if the battery is not recognized, it will alert the user and the user will not be able to get a fully charged battery.

Maintenance management

The batteries in battery swapping stations need regular maintenance. Also, lithium-ion batteries are susceptible to degradation due to charging and discharging cycles and need replacements when their capacity is lost to a certain limit. Battery swapping station companies that is the agent of battery swapping station business model hire maintenance teams to carry out these tasks.

6.Introduction to the components of the battery swapping station

The battery swapping station is made up of a collection of electrical, mechanical, and structural components. These components all have different functions that can be divided into power supply, battery replacement, communication, and monitoring and detection as seen above.


① Swapping Cabinet
Most outlets of motorcycle battery swapping station business model only contain one battery swapping cabinet. The battery swapping cabinet can be defined as a protective unit designed for charging and replacing lithium-ion batteries. Each cabinet is composed of between about nine to sixteen ports each equipped with charging equipment for batteries of different specifications. The battery packs are placed into these ports to be charged and are ejected when fully charged and required.

Motorcycle Battery Swapping Cabinet

② Battery
The battery packs are composed of different cells that are grouped together. The number and voltage rating of the cells largely depends on the power requirements of the vehicle the battery is used on.The batteries used in motorcycles are generally 60v,48v,72v batteries.

72 volt 50ah LifePO4 battery applietd for electric motorcycle swap system

③ Charging system
In the motorcycles swapping system, once a drained battery is removed from the motorcycles and put in the port, once the battery is identified, it is checked that it is not damaged. The battery will be charged directly in the port.

④ IC card
IC cards are types of cards that have an integrated circuit embedded on them.Battery swapping stations put the IC cards in the battery, so that the battery swapping system can identify the battery and track the location information of the battery. After the user pay a month lease and the deposit, they will get their first battery.The IC cards contain relevant data on the battery, transactions completed by the user, and the user information.

When a user receives a new fully charged battery, the user’s personal information is entered into the IC card in the battery to record the rental information of the battery and prevent the battery from being stolen or damaged. The information from the card is collected by the information system and validated by the personnel before the customer is allowed into the swapping area. All the pertinent data collected by the information system is stored in the cloud for remote access by the customers and any relevant authorities.

The IC cards make the swapping process even faster because less time is spent inputting the user information and battery specifications into the platform used for swapping.


The providers of battery swapping station business models have apps or applet that show the GPS locations of all their swapping stations.The GPS locator service is required to identify the location of the battery swapping station so that customers can find it and swap their batteries.

Battery swapping services have apps or applet that show the GPS locations of all their swapping stations

These apps also have many other functions that include:

  • Monitoring the battery status and giving real time data
  • Monitoring and controlling the temperature of the cabinet during the charging operation
  • Monitoring the charging process remotely and controlling it by starting and ending
  • Storing and displaying historical charging and billing records remotely.

battery swapping software background

Such apps/applet can also enable users to charge motorcycles quicker.In fact, the first step for users to use the battery swapping system is to log in to the applet or APP of the system, verify their personal information, click on the touch screen of the swapping cabinet, put the dead battery in the port, and then wait for the new battery to pop up automatically.

In fact, the whole process is very fast and convenient, only about one minute, the customer can complete the battery swapping process. But because of the existence of applet/APP and IC cards, the swapping system record the dynamic information of the user and the battery so that can ensure the normal operation of the battery swapping system and the management of the users and the batteries. Users need to fill in their personal real information on the applet and APP when they first sign up for membership. After their real name identity information is verified, they need to pay the monthly rent and deposit, and then they get their first battery.

The information system

In battery swapping business model, an additional information system can be choose to set to enable communication between the motorcycle battery and the swapping station. The battery sends signals to the information system using WAVE communication when its battery is almost depleted. The signals contain information on how far the motorcycle is from the swapping station, battery specifications. After receiving the information, the station prepares the required battery for the motorcycles so that it is ready by the arrival time. The swapping station communicates with the information system using the internet available locally.

7.Battery swapping station system specifications

Battery parameters

  • Type – Lithium-ion battery
  • Battery specs:60v,48v,72v
Model TC4850 TC6050 TC7250
Material Ternary lithium battery Ternary lithium battery Ternary lithium battery
Rated voltage 48V 60V 72V
Rated power 2000W 2500W 2500W
Nominal capacity 50Ah 50Ah 50Ah
Charging cut off voltage 58.8V 71.4V 84V
Discharge cut off voltage 39.2V 47.6V 56V
Working temperature -20℃~+60℃ -20℃~+60℃ -20℃~+60℃

Battery swapping cabinet parameters

The key modern features of the battery swapping station business model include a connection to the cloud, being IoT enabled for monitoring and management, being able to connect the internet, and having a GPS.

AC (input) parameters

  • Material: SPCC
  • Rated power: 9KW
  • AC input voltage: 220 V / 380 V 3 phase system with 5 wires – three phases, one neutral, and one protective earthing wire
  • Max AC input current: 15A
  • Operating temperature: 0˚C to +55˚C
  • Frequency: 50Hz +/- 5Hz
  • Relative humidity: 5 – 95

DC (output) parameters

  • Charging voltage: 40 – 84V
  • Maximum current: 750W

8.Introducing a battery swapping station business model case

TYCORUN ENERGY is a professional lithium ion battery manufacturer that provides light electric vehicle (electric motorcycles and bicycles) battery swapping services to customers. The company was also a pioneer in the manufacture of electric motorcycle batteries.They have over 2,000 battery swapping stations in China. Customers are granted access to the stations when they pay a month lease and deposit.

The TYCORUN ENERGY battery swapping station business model work better than other stations. Once a customer arrives at the station with their electric motorcycle, they remove the battery and insert it into an open slot in the cabinet and wait as the system confirms that they have a paid subscription. The system then performs diagnostics on the battery before releasing a similar fully charged battery.

The main factor that has led to the TYCORUN ENERGY’s success is the high demand for battery swapping. With the many customers, their mature battery swapping station business model was able to recover its initial investment and start making profits.

9.How many batteries do you need for a battery swapping station?

The number of batteries required depends directly on the number of ports in the swapping cabinet. A battery swapping cabinet usually has 8 to 14 ports. For the battery swapping station business model, the battery swapping cabinet can be customized for agent according to the actual situation of the target market at the very beginning. The number of batteries used in the cabinet need to be less than the number of the ports by one. If your cabinet has nine slots, you need to have 8 batteries. One ports should be left empty for the users to place their drained battery.
But this is the bare minimum required without a battery turnaround, which is simply not enough to meet users’ demand. The calculation of the number of batteries needs to take into account the user’s needs and battery charging time.

How many batteries do you need for a battery swapping station

For user’s needs, the battery swapping station business model is aimed at take-out delivery staffs and courier (basically delivery staffs) who need batteries to power their motorcycles throughout the day. Delivery staffs often have a hectic job, working 16 hours from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
In terms of the time required for battery charging, the nominal capacity of a battery in the swapping system is 50ah, assuming that the DOD of the battery is 100% and the charging current of the swapping cabinet is 15A, it takes 3-4 hours to full charge a battery.

Now let’s calculate the number of batteries we need in our best case scenario(That is after each battery is fully charged in the cabinet, a user comes and puts the dead battery into the port to start charging, and then takes out the fully charged one). Since it takes roughly four hours for the battery to fully charge, in the 16 hours a day a delivery staff works, the battery swapping system can swap 16/4=4 rounds of batteries. If the cabinet has 12 ports, then only 11 ports can hold batteries, so there will be 4*11=44 batteries.

But so far, the calculation is not complete. On average, a delivery staff needs to swap batteries twice a day, so 44 batteries can serve 22 delivery staff users. And the 44 batteries we calculated were in the swapping cabinet, and the 22 batteries that are powering the engine in the 22 users’ motorcycles should also be counted. Therefore in the best case, a swapping cabinet needs 44+22= 66 batteries.

10.How to distribute the battery swapping station outlets?

Distributing the swapping station outlets for battery swapping station business model in a service region in a way that will increase user convenience is crucial for user satisfaction. First, during the planning phase, the planners should determine the areas to place stations in new regions based on population density, the available swapping demand, and the venue rental.The outlets are generally distributed in residential areas, labor-intensive factories, industrial parks and large-scale agricultural batch markets. The denser the station outlets, the less staff is needed in the service region and the lower the corresponding personnel cost. But this only applies to densely populated areas.

Finally, new swapping stations can be constructed in a service region to reduce the customer load on existing stations. The new stations can help to meet demand and reduce queues in the region.

11.How to assign after-sales and maintenance personnel ?

Companies running the battery swapping business model need employees to provide after-sales service and to maintain and replace batteries. Lithium-ion batteries degrade over time due to the numerous charging and discharging cycles they undergo. They may need to be periodically replaced. Such companies hire maintenance personnel to carry out these tasks.

How to assign after-sales and maintenance personnelAnother important after-sales service is online support. If a user finds a broken battery, or if the system recognizes damage when user return the battery, they need to call an online service number or find online support.Most of the apps by swapping companies have a help section that offers instructions on how to undertake the battery swapping process.

12.Estimated business model cost of battery swapping station

An average lithium-ion battery swapping station containing a single cabinet with 12 ports will be used to make this estimation.

Cost of a swapping cabinet: Lithium-ion battery swapping cabinets have an average price of $2500.And this cost has included the installation fee. The price varies depending on the supplier and the number of cabinets that you purchase.

Cost of batteries: A single electric motorcycle lithium-ion battery pack costs is $450.

Cost of software development: According to, the price of developing a medium-complexity app lies between $32,000 – $48,000. TYCORUN ENERGY has successfully promoted the battery swapping business model project in China and other countries and established a complete and mature business model. If you contact TYCORUN ENERGY to develop the battery swapping business model that suit your target place, we can directly provide you with the general version of the applet supporting the battery swapping system. This applet has been used extensively in many of our projects. You can later modify the generic version applet based on your local situation, such as the payment method. So, in software development, we can help you save a lot money.The app should have GPS location capabilities and enable the operators to track the battery and charging status remotely.

Cost of after-sales and maintenance personnel: As we mentioned before, the battery swapping business model needs to employ personnel for after-sales and maintenance, and the specific number of personnel and salaries should be calculated according to local conditions.

Rent: The rent you will be expected to pay when setting up your battery swapping station largely depends on your location.There is usually another way to charge a site rent: it is calculated directly as the electricity consumed, but in this case the unit price of electricity is double or one and a half times higher than that of mains electricity.

Power costs: Electric power also has different costs in different locations. Therefore, you should factor in the power costs of your location when making a calculation.

13.Capital recovery cycle of the business model of battery swapping station

Establishing battery swapping station business model requires a relatively large investment, and basically all the funds need to be spent have been discussed in the previous part. You can calculate according to your own situation, or you can just contact us. TYCORUN ENERGY have successfully introduced this kind of battery swapping station business model in China and other countries, and we have been in the lithium battery industry for as long as 15 years. I believe our experience can help you.
Capital recovery cycle of the business model of battery swapping stationThe battery swapping station business model should return the initial investments before it can start making any profits. The business recovers the initial capital by charging users month rent and deposit for swapping. Most companies that provide swapping services offer paid monthly memberships. Typically, monthly rent is calculated at 5 percent of the local average monthly salary, while deposits are calculated at one-sixth of the local average monthly salary.The money collected from the customers returns the initial investment.

14.How users use the battery swapping station

As mentioned above, if it is the first time to use the battery swapping system, users need to register on the APP/applet of the swapping system and fill in their real identity information. After the information is verified, users can pay the month rent and deposit, get the first battery and start to experience the battery swapping service.

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When the battery in the motorcycle runs out, users only need to find the nearest battery swapping cabinet outlet on the APP/applet of the swapping system and scan the QR code on the battery swapping cabinet to log in. Then click the battery swapping button on the smart touch screen of the swapping cabinet, the door of one of the empty ports in the swapping cabinet will open automatically, users need to put their dead battery in to charge and then close the door. At this time, the system will check whether the user’s lease expires and whether the battery is damaged or not. If there is no problem, the port door with the fully charged battery will open automatically, and users can complete the battery swapping in such a simple and quick way. The whole process only takes 1 minute.No downtime, no waiting.

15.FAQ about battery swapping station

First of all, determine the venue, suggest the place where riders gather, the place where there are more takeaways in the office business circle. Electricity bills as cheaply as possible, venues as rent-free as possible.

If there is a problem with the battery, contact after-sales analysis for on-site treatment or return to the factory for maintenance. If there is any problem with the cabinet, contact after-sales personnel to handle it on site. Unified collection by the local, unified after-sales service.

It is quite true that customers often ask which motorcycle brand our battery matches. In fact, our battery can match almost any brand of motorcycle, as long as our battery can be placed in the location of the motorcycle.

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About lithium ion motorcycle battery swapping station suppliers

TYCORUN® has more than 15 years of experience in the lithium motorcycle battery industry and is a Chinese high-tech manufacturer that develops, produces and sells various new energy lithium battery products and battery solutions.

Providing battery swapping station business model to our clients all over the world is our best business sector.

High quality assurance

TYCORUN is determined to become a leader in the lithium battery swapping station industry, quality is our culture!

Professional manufacturers

With lithium ion motorcycle battery pack as the core, integrating channels and technologies

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Lithium ion Battery News

Top 5 electric cargo tricycle in China

Top 5 electric cargo tricycle in China

This review presents the top 5 electric cargo tricycles in China, featuring detailed specifications and performance insights. Evaluating criteria such as load capacity, battery efficiency, and safety features, this guide assists buyers in selecting the ideal tricycle based on individual requirements.

Materials and lightweight deve

Materials and lightweight development of electric bicycles

This article provides an insightful exploration into the development of electric bicycles, focusing on advancements in materials and lightweighting techniques. It delves into the historical evolution of electric bicycles, analyzes various bicycle frame materials, discusses the development of electric power assist technology, and offers an overview of the electric assist bicycle market. Through detailed examination and analysis, it highlights the importance of lightweighting for electric bicycles and identifies key trends shaping the industry’s future.

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